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Purdy 1.5" stiff angled scraoer.putty knife   Purdy 3" stiff angled putty knife  

Contractors premium

1 1/2" Putty Knife/Scraper

Contractors Premium
3" stiff Chisel Putty Knife/Scraper

rugged High Carbon Steel
Comfort Thumb Grip Handle
lifetime guarantee


rugged High Carbon Steel Blades
No-Slip Rubberized Cushion Grip handle
Nail-set hammerhead end
Lifetime Guarantee
$7.75 $7.50

Hyde 1.5" Stiff Putty Knife   Hyde 2" stiff angled putty/ scrper  
Hyde Pro Project
1 1/2" stiff Putty Scraper
HYde pro project
2"stiff Pro Project Putty Scraper
1-1/2" stiff blade for scraping paint and removing putty.
High-quality scraper with overmold
comfort grip and Hammer Head®
end for setting nails and screws.
Carbon steel blade hardened for
2" stiff blade for scraping paint and removing putty.
High-quality scraper with overmold
comfort grip and Hammer Head®
end for setting nails and screws.
Carbon steel blade hardened for durability.
$7.25 $7.75

Purdy 5 in 1 Painters Tool   Hyde 6 in 1 painters tool  
Purdy Contractors
5 -in- 1 Painters tool
Hyde Pro Project
2 1/2" Stainless 6 -in-1 Painters tool
 rugged High Carbon Steel
 Comfort Thumb Grip Handle
lifetime guarantee
6 tools in one.
Includes: 2-1/2" stiff stainless steel scraper blade. Putty remover. Spreader. Half round cut-out
cleans paint rollers. Sharp point opens cracks
for patching. Die cast metal Hammer Head®
end for setting drywall nails.
Guaranteed forever.
$9.75 $11.50

Hyde Front Load Knife   Hyde Knife Sheath  

Hyde front Load-Top Slide Utility Knife

hyde knife sheath
3 blade positions with top slide
 Push button blade change, no tools rquired
handle blade storage
makes cleaning easier & extends the life
of paint brushes
12.75 $12.25

Hyde Maxx Grip Top/Angle

Hyde MaxxGrip Angle

Head top slide Utility Knife

Hyde Glass Scraper

Hyde Glass scraper

Professional grade top slide
3 lockable blade position
Soft-grip handle
change blade without tools
retractable blade, ergonomic
stores 5 blades in handle
accetps single edge razor blades
$14.50 $5.50

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